Production Through Performance

“The Production Through Performance PD session and Curriculum are SUPERIOR: 1) thorough, well-paced, and developmentally appropriate, 2) easy to use and helpful worksheets, walk-through videos are of the highest quality and will be accessible for all learning levels and types!”

- Clara Knotts (Lincoln High and Swift Creek Middle in Tallahassee, FL)

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Professional Development

“I love your approach and how you clearly communicate everything. I appreciate your sense of humor and think it is a great boon to the course, it makes things fun. You have a real knack for communicating every extremely well thought out detail very clearly in the videos, in the graphic organizers, honestly, in every aspect of the course. I wish you had been my music teacher when I was a kid. Haha! It's all very impressive. Truly impressive work. I want to take all of your classes and PD.”

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Production Through Performance

“This curriculum is A-MAZ-ING! Bob has broken down the steps to successfully teaching how to teach digital musical composing. The teacher portal has videos of Bob going through each lesson step by step so you can then present the material to your students as an expert. These lessons are rigorous and packed with standards from the National Core Arts Standards. This curriculum is the NOW of music education. Do yourself and your students a favor by checking it out!”

- Alexis Yatuzis Derryberry , TN Music Education Association, President

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