Melodic Pitch


There will be a video overview of each chapter that demonstrates how to complete each section with a multicamera view.



Step is the distance of one note.
Leap is the distance of more than one note.
Contour: The shape of the melody that comes from the combination of steps, leaps, and their direction.
Chord Tone: A melody note that is in the chord.

Cycle through the slideshow to view the NCT types.

Non Chord Tone: A melody note that does not belong to the underlying chord. They usually occur on a weak beat and resolve to a chord tone on a strong beat. It is possible to have more than one NCT in a row as long as the resolution to the chord tone is strong. NCTs are categorized by how they are entered and exited.


Analyze the melodies in the Noteflight score below.

Melodies + Voice Leading


Single Voice Melodies

Follow one voice in a progression with inverted chords to create a melody with smooth voice leading.


Multi Voice Melodies

Change voices inside of each measure and stay on the same voice when switching chords to add shape to the melody.

Multi Voice Melodies With NCTs

Non Chord Tones Over More Than One Chord
Suspension (SU):
A note that is sustained or repeated from the previous chord. Suspensions are exited by a step to a chord tone in the following chord.
Anticipation (AN): A note that is not in the current chord, but is in the following chord. It occurs at the end of the measure and either sustains or repeats into the subsequent chord.




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