4.2 | Inversions
There will be a video overview of each chapter that demonstrates how to complete each section with a multicamera view.
Triads can be re-ordered by moving a chord tone from the bottom voice to the top by a process called inversion.
This chart shows the location of chord tones in a root position, first inversion, and second inversion closed voiced triad.
Chords in a progression can be inverted to create minimal movement between voices, which is called smooth voice leading. In order to achieve smooth voice leading, choose inversions for which the notes in each voice (bottom, middle, or top) stay the same or move up or down by one note only.
C is a common tone between the C (I) and F (IV) chord: It is the fifth of the IV chord and needs to be in the bottom voice. Move the IV chord to second inversion to retain smooth voice leading.
IV and V are next to each other in the scale and share no common tones. Move the V chord to second inversion to make sure the notes in each voice only move by one letter.
Right Hand Finger Placement
Use the same fingers for each inversion type to develop muscle memory when playing chord progressions. This chart shows which fingers should be used for each inversion.
Test your knowledge of triad inversions by completing the Triad Inversion Worksheet →.
Practice spelling inversions using the flashcards below.
Inversions in C Major
Play a C Major chord through all inversions.
Play a I IV I V I chord progression in the key of C major.
Use the chart and video below to help with the activity.
Choose a song from the list of pop piano favorites.
Select a section of the song (chorus, verse, bridge).
Complete the Pop Piano Song Organizer →.
Play the triad inversions with your right hand and the bass notes with your left hand.
Inversion Mastery
Practice playing inversions in all keys with your right hand.
With enough work, you will be able to play these chords without having to think about finger placement.
Ear Training
Inversion Drum + Drone
Sing, hum, or play along with the triad inversion drum and drone video.
Practice arpeggiating other chord progressions using the solfege in the inversion chart.
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