1.2 | Subdivision



All rhythms are made from the same basic notes. A note’s value, how long it lasts, depends on its appearance. Look for changes in the note’s beams (the horizontal lines connecting notes). If the note is a triplet, it will have a three above it. Each of the rhythms below are different ways of subdividing one beat (a quarter note).

Subdivision: An equal division of the beat.

Eighth Note: Division of 2 |1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +.
Eighth note subdivision divides the beat into two halves. Practice counting eighth notes while tapping your foot. The beats occur when your foot comes down (downbeats) and the “ands” occur when your foot goes up (upbeats).
The weak beat in eighth note subdivision is the “and.”

Eighth Note Triplet: Division of 3 |1 pl et 2 pl et 3 pl et 4 pl et.
Eighth note triplet subdivision divides the beat into three equal parts. This subdivision is difficult to feel evenly. Practice feeling sixteenth note triplet subdivision while performing eighth note triplets to make sure they are even.
The weak beats in eighth note subdivision are “pl” and “et”.

Sixteenth Note: Division of 4 |1 e + a 2 e + a 3 e + a 4 e + a.
Sixteenth note subdivision divides the beat into four equal parts. Since the beat is divided evenly, eighth note subdivision syllables are contained within the counts of sixteenth notes.
The weak beasts in sixteenth note subdivision are “e” and “a”.

Sixteenth Note Triplet: Division of 6 | 1 i pl + let o 2 i pl + let 0 3 i pl + let o 4 i pl + let o.
Sixteenth note triplet subdivision divides the beat into six equal parts. Both eighth note and eighth note triplet subdivisions are contained within sixteenth note triplet subdivision. It can be used as a bridge between odd and even divisions of the beat.
The weak beats in sixteenth note triplet subdivision are “i” and “o”.


  • Subdivision Flash Cards

    • Listen to the hihat in the drum groove and determine which subdivision is used in each beat. The pattern is played four times.

    • Use the menu icon to flip the card.

    • Refresh the page to shuffle the deck.


  • Apply your ability to divide the beat evenly with the subdivision workout score.

  • To learn more about this score and its exercises, check out the walkthrough video →.


  • Learn how to improvise using subdivision syllables with this Subdivision Improv Video →.

  • Freestyle a subdivision rap by using subdivision syllables over the backing track below.


  • Say the syllables for the subdivision test example below at 90 BPM.

  • Make sure to maintain a steady beat and evenly divide the beat.


Subdivision Test Example


Subdivision Assessment Recording

  1. Add new track > Voice + Microphone Track.

  2. Turn the reverb down.

  3. Turn cycle mode on and extend the loop bar (purple) over eight measures.

  4. Practice the subdivision assessment example.

  5. You can use the word “down” or the number of the beat on the downbeats: i.e. “down & down &” or “1 & 2 &.

  6. When you are ready, record yourself performing the assessment example over the track.

  7. Check the evenness of your performance by comparing your recording’s waveform to the grid.


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Teacher Tips

Here is a sample sequence for this chaper.

  • Subdivisions

    • Listen to the subdivision examples in the Learn section as a class or individually.

    • Have students say the subdivision syllables aloud during the second half of the videos (when the groove comes in).

    • Turn a metronome on and practice saying the different subdivision levels together. You can use your hand to show which subdivision level the group should be performing. Hold up one finger for quarter note, two for eighth note, etc. Students can say “down” for the down beat or the number of the beat in a measure of 4/4.

  • Identify

    • Listen to student-selected songs or songs from the provided Spotify playlist to find the subdivision in raps.

    • Isolate a section and have student hold up their fingers to show which subdivision level is being used.

    • Play a drum groove using a drumset or keydrums and have students identify which subdivision level is being used.

    • Introduce the subdivision flashcards as a class and show students how to use them.

    • Give students time to use them independently with headphones.

    • After students have gained comfort with the examples, give an ungraded quiz to the class by shuffling the deck and playing examples for the class to transcribe.

  • Practice

    • Listen and watch the Subdivision Workout score together.

    • Show students how to start the playback from a single measure. (Highlight the measure and click the play button.-)

    • Have students work together or in small groups to practice saying the subdivision syllables with the score.

    • Have students perform the assessment section at the end of the score for each other in small groups. Instruct students to grade each other based on how well they performed a steady beat and how evenly they performed each subdivision level.

  • Apply

    • Watch the subdivision improv video together.

    • Demonstrate a subdivision rap yourself over the included backing track.

    • Turn the backing track on and have everyone in the room improvise at the same time. It will be chaotic and not sound too pleasant, so students won’t have to worry about performing in front of each other.

    • Instruct students to find subdivision sequences they like and write them down.

    • Set up a mic at the front of the class and have students volunteer to perform their compositions.

    • You can have students write words to their subdivision compositions as an extension activity as well.

  • Test

    • Practice the subdivision test example as a class using a metronome and backing track.

    • Give students time to practice the test while wearing headphones.

    • Assess students individually while everyone is practicing.

    • Immediately after each student’s performance, conference with them about their ability to keep time and subdivide. Give them an action item to work on to master these elements at a higher level.

    • If students are remote, have them record their performance using Soundtrap.