Hal Leonard Tech Tools

Melody Remix

  • Find a karaoke version of a pop song on YouTube.

  • Audio Sync the score to a Noteflight template.

  • Enable the melody track playback in the Parts Mixer.

  • Instruct students to write a new melody over the backing track OR try to copy the original melody.

    • Give them direction on how to write a melodic rhythm: syncopation, repetition + s p a c e.

    • Limit note choice using chord tones or a scale fragment.


  • Select a short multipart excerpt that fits the instrumentation of your group.

  • Create an assignment template with the correct amount of tracks and the correct BPM.

  • Instruct students to record themselves performing each part of the song using the metronome and headphones.

    • Optionally, you can have some of the parts pre-recorded.

  • Have students choose and drag a drum loop from the loop library to fill out their recording.

  • To have students assess themselves, have them create an additional audio track and label it commentary.

  • Students should record themselves talking about their creative choices and their performance on the commentary track.

E-Drum Circle

  • Add new track > Drum and beats track.

  • Disable the looping function by double-clicking the purple bar over the timeline.

  • Use the typing keyboard or MIDI keyboard to add to the collective groove.

    • Typing Keyboard: S = Kick Drum | D = Snare Drum | U = Hihat

Rap Groove

  • Find in an a capella melody or unaccompanied rap with a free commercial use license from looperman.com

  • Instruct students to complete the song by adding drums, bass, and/or chords

    • Hihat on eighth or sixteenth note subdivision

    • 808 bass on beat one and three to four other parts of the measure (not two or four)

    • The bass rhythm should be the same for each measure.

    • The bass note should move up or down one pitch for each measure.

Beat Bootcamp

Beat Bootcamp

Free Music Production + Modern Music Theory PD

•6-Week Professional Development | July 3rd - August 15th
•Music Production & Modern Band methods using Soundtrap & Noteflight
•Work at your own pace with optional weekly synchronous sessions
•20 PD hours & weekly giveaways

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