Counted Rhythm Skill Index
level I | Level II | Level III | Level IV | Level V
Level I
Whole, Half, Quarter, and Unsyncopated Eighth Values.
Identify and describe level 1 rhythmic values
Whole, half, and quarter note counts and circles
Whole, half and quarter notes and rest counts and circles
Whole, half, quarter, and eighth note counts and circles
Whole, half, quarter notes and rests with eighth note counts and circles
Level 2
Pickups, Ties, Unsyncopated Sixteenth Notes, and Dotted Half Values.
Pickup, ties, and dotted half identification
Tie counts and circles
Dotted half counts and circles
Ties and dotted half counts and circles
Unsyncopated sixteenth identification
Unsyncopated sixteenth counts and circles
Level 3
Cut Time, Compound Meter, Syncopated Eighth Values, and Eighth Note Triplets
Cut time description
Cut time count and circles
Compound meter description
Compound meter counts and circles
Syncopated eighth description
Syncopated eighth counts and circles
Eighth note triplet description
Eighth note triplet counts and circles
Level 4: Syncopated sixteenth values, Quarter, and sixteenth note triplets
Syncopated sixteenth description
Syncopated sixteenth counts and circles
Quarter note triplet description
Quarter note triplet counts and circles
Sixteenth note triplet description
Sixteenth note triplet counts and circles
Level 5: Polyrhythms, hemiola, and odd subdivisions
Polyrhythm description
Polyrhythm counting
Hemiola description
Hemiola counting
Odd subdivision description
Odd subdivision counting and clapping